24" x 30"
Oil on Canvas
Julia Butterfly Hill once told me she loved this piece and called it "poignant". I don't mean to name drop or anything, but come on, it's Julia Butterfly Hill.
About the Artist:
Gregory Shilling is an oil painter and muralist from Northern California. His eclectic body of work usually focuses on people and explores how a story can be told by a body. Somewhere between realism, cartoon and impressionist, the figures Shilling puts in paint speak silently with heads hung low, creaky knees and curious fingers. Zooming out, his work also includes vast urban scenes, full of neighbors and cars and raccoons, which address the tension between the environment we were provided and the environment we build for ourselves.
See more from Gregory Shilling at Sacramento.Shop/Gregoryshilling
Oil on Canvas
Julia Butterfly Hill once told me she loved this piece and called it "poignant". I don't mean to name drop or anything, but come on, it's Julia Butterfly Hill.
About the Artist:
Gregory Shilling is an oil painter and muralist from Northern California. His eclectic body of work usually focuses on people and explores how a story can be told by a body. Somewhere between realism, cartoon and impressionist, the figures Shilling puts in paint speak silently with heads hung low, creaky knees and curious fingers. Zooming out, his work also includes vast urban scenes, full of neighbors and cars and raccoons, which address the tension between the environment we were provided and the environment we build for ourselves.
See more from Gregory Shilling at Sacramento.Shop/Gregoryshilling