CX25_A23-Tulip-Tulip's World_photosquare

Hellxia - Tulip Cardboard Collection - Tulip's World

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The Tulip cardboard collection features mixed media on repurposed cardboard with Tulip characters illustrated in different situations with acrylic marker. They're best placed on a small easel or shelf, or leaning against something like a table lamp. This piece is 13x12" and dents easily.

Tulips (the real flower) are not native to North America, but they are not invasive either. They come in many shapes and colors.


My name is Cat Xia (they/them) and I’m an artist in Sacramento, CA who likes to create sad, angry, and cute art. My illustrative narratives trend towards my experiences with climate change, racism, sexism, religion, spirituality, and class warfare.

See more from Cat Xia at