6"x4" framed drawing in painted frame.
About the Artist
Marie Thomas, better known around the community as Rie, currently resides in Sacramento with her 2 amazing children, who are the real bosses. Sacramento has been her home for over 16 years and before then has lived in many places growing up a military brat from Germany to Texas and a few different areas of California and a brief stint in Colorado and Washington.
Her artistic journey started when she first vandalized her baby book with a ball point pen. Rie’s mom didnt cover it up she just added a note next to it saying it was her first drawing. It wasn’t until high school that she really even considered herself an artist and that it was something she wanted to do. Up until then art, to her, was just a coping mechanism. It was a constant that she had in her life as she moved from place to place as a military brat, it quieted her mind when the world around her was spinning out of control and it also was a way to help her focus in class during lectures. When she finally thought of herself as an artist… she applied to art school and finally started investing in herself.
See more from Marie "Rie" Thomas at Sacramento.shop/RieDesign